Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR)
Partners in Action Campaign Partners in Action Campaign Partners in Action Campaign Partners in Action Campaign Partners in Action Campaign Partners in Action Campaign

Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR)





The challenge

GFAR is an open, collective movement of 600+ partners who are working together to shape a new, sustainable future of agriculture and food. In 2021, following a period of internal change, the GFAR Secretariat reached out to our team for help with re-engaging partners and to revitalise their set of strategic initiatives, known as Collective Actions.

The solution
We created a content-based campaign called GFAR Partners in Action, designed to celebrate the achievements of their diverse network of partners.

Partners were invited to submit blogs for the GFAR Partners in Action campaign based on strategic monthly themes, with the GFAR blog acting as the central posting location to draw together and feature stories.

We developed a set of Editorial Guidelines to ensure content submissions were consistent, provided writing and editing for quality control, and created a content calendar to keep the campaign running smoothly.

Blog contributors were provided with a social media toolkit containing messages and cards for joint promotion of the piece. On social media, #GFARinAction was created to pull together promotional activities by dozens of partners, and to track analytics.

We designed and implemented a monthly campaign newsletter and several custom social media card templates.

The results
The campaign reached over 850,000 people and provided the opportunity for GFAR’s diverse network of partners to connect and learn from each other.
Over 10 months from April 2021 to January 2022, we published 38 blogs that were read over 27,500 times. On Twitter alone, the campaign reached over 850,000 people and generated 5.4 million impressions.

The campaign provided the opportunity for GFAR’s broad and diverse network of partners to learn from each other and enhance partnership opportunities within the forum.
people reached
5.4 M
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
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